Lunes, Mayo 23, 2011

Margie Juico breaks her silence!

The very dignified Margie Juico answered (almost) all the accusations of the very effervescent but passe Manoling Morato in the Boy Abunda-anchored The Bottomline.

Juico's purgatory is brought about by one thing: her appointment as PCSO Chairperson. That's it! To sour-graping people like the oh-so-homo Manoling Morato, this is too much to accept.

Neither her alleged donation to PNoy's campaign coffers nor her loyal service as Appointments Secretary to Cory Aquino has had any bearing with her appointment. After all, she has served the PCSO as Director for 12 years.

Juico got emotional when she talked about her former boss' deathbed. Her haughty aura somehow dissolved (even fif just a bit) as she recalled her promises to the "Tita Cory" and how she intends to fulfill the vow.

The challenge to  Juico is the billion-peso debt which the PCSO accumulated. In fairness to the Cahirperson, this was answered with fact, confidence and dignity. Cory Aquino would have been proud of her!

All other issues were nothing but mud-slinging on the part of the ageing Manoling Morato. This is so obvious. Either Morato has lost his senses completely or has begun the Alzheimer's process ... whatever the case may be, it is evident that he is rambling without the benefit of fact.

Margie Juico must have hit a raw nerve in Manoling Morato. She should not care. She should do what she thinks is best.

Sources:,%202011%20PART%201 BOTTOMLINE - MAY 21, 2011 PART 2

2 komento:

  1. She is a very sincere woman... I love what she did; break her silence and clarify things.. And I believe she is innocent
